Wisdom Teeth: Why Do We Have Them?
WHEN DENTISTS SEE emerging wisdom teeth are going to cause dental problems, wisdom tooth removal is likely in the cards.
DetailsWHEN DENTISTS SEE emerging wisdom teeth are going to cause dental problems, wisdom tooth removal is likely in the cards.
DetailsWHILE JUICING IS ONE OF THE most popular health fads right now, how does it affect your smile?
DetailsFRUIT IS AN IMPORTANT PART of a child’s diet, but some fruit options may not be as good for their teeth as you think.
DetailsWHILE JUICING IS ONE OF THE most popular health fads right now, how does it affect your smile?
DetailsWHILE JUICING IS ONE OF THE most popular health fads right now, how does it affect your smile?
DetailsPROTECTION DURING sports and other extreme activities can potentially save your teeth and gums from serious, or permanent damage.
DetailsPROTECTION DURING sports and other extreme activities can potentially save your teeth and gums from serious, or permanent damage.
DetailsPROTECTION DURING sports and other extreme activities can potentially save your child’s teeth and gums from serious, or permanent damage.
DetailsRECENT STUDIES ESTIMATE about half of all adults have some form of gum disease. Shocking, isn’t it?
DetailsWE’RE SUPPOSED TO BRUSH twice a day for two minutes each time. How many of us actually do that?