Your Healthy Smile Can Last A Lifetime
MORE AND MORE PEOPLE are keeping their original teeth well into their old age. It’s fantastic!
DetailsMORE AND MORE PEOPLE are keeping their original teeth well into their old age. It’s fantastic!
DetailsMARCH IS NUTRITION MONTH—an education campaign sponsored by the Academy…
DetailsNEARLY EVERYONE KNOWS SOMEONE WHO is directly or indirectly affected by diabetes. Not only can diabetes be difficult to manage, but…
DetailsYES, IT’S VALENTINE’S DAY—and what better day to talk about smiles, attraction, and relationships!? It’s probably never occurred to you…
DetailsWE TALK A LOT ABOUT TEETH, but not a lot about your tongue. Your tongue plays a vital role in your overall oral health! Did you know that…
DetailsHAVE YOU EVER HEARD someone say that after you cut your finger, and it heals…
DetailsYOU PROBABLY ALREADY KNOW MANY OF THE DANGERS associated with smoking. But, did you also know that smokers are twice as likely as non-smokers to lose their teeth?
DetailsARE YOU A LITTLE SURPRISED by the headline of this blog post? If so, you’re not alone…
DetailsDID YOU REALIZE THAT AN ESTIMATED 90% of systemic diseases can have…
DetailsTHIS IS REALLY interesting. Perhaps, if you struggle with some level of dental anxiety, odds are you’ve picked some of that up from your parents…