Side-Effects: Medications And Oral Health
MEDICAL PROBLEMS ARE things none of us ask for but many of us have, and with medical problems come medications. Unfortunately, along with…
DetailsMEDICAL PROBLEMS ARE things none of us ask for but many of us have, and with medical problems come medications. Unfortunately, along with…
DetailsCLEANING OUR TEETH IS a critical task that should all be doing twice a day. For people with braces, good oral hygiene is…
DetailsEVERYONE LOVES A good sweet snack once in a while — and unfortunately, that includes the bacteria in…
DetailsANIMALS MIGHT NOT BE as concerned with maintaining their oral health and hygiene as we are, but that doesn’t stop some of them from having…
DetailsANIMALS MIGHT NOT BE as concerned with maintaining their oral health and hygiene as we are, but that doesn’t stop some of them from having…
DetailsMANY OF US HAVE TO deal with tooth loss as we get older, whether because of an injury or tooth decay. What can we…
DetailsDO YOU SPEND A LOT of time worrying about how to keep your child’s teeth cavity-free? Teaching them to…
DetailsNAIL BITING IS A HABIT shared by between a quarter and a third of children and nearly half of teenagers. Compulsive behaviors don’t…
DetailsWE ALL USE TOOTHBRUSHES to take care of our teeth, but what are we doing to take care of our toothbrushes? It’s critical that…
DetailsMOVING TO A NEW AREA comes with a long to-do list, and one important item on it is finding the right dentist. There are…