Don’t Like To Floss? Here Are Some Helpful Ideas
WE KNOW SOME OF YOU DON’T LIKE TO FLOSS. You may be surprised to hear us say, “we understand!”
DetailsWE KNOW SOME OF YOU DON’T LIKE TO FLOSS. You may be surprised to hear us say, “we understand!”
DetailsWE’RE KEEPING OUR TEETH longer than ever before. But in order to stay in optimal health, we need to be vigilant against potential problems…
DetailsWE’RE KEEPING OUR TEETH longer than ever before. But in order to stay in optimal health, we need to be vigilant against potential problems…
DetailsSMARTPHONE TECHNOLOGY IS AMAZING. And now, smartphone apps can help us with our daily oral hygiene routines!
DetailsMOST PEOPLE CLENCH or grind their teeth from time to time. However, if you’re doing so frequently, your teeth are suffering…
DetailsBEAUTIFUL TEETH MAKE US ALL feel more approachable, better prepared, accepting of others, younger, and more attractive…
DetailsTHE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION tells us to replace our toothbrushes every 3–4 months…
DetailsWE KNOW that frequent snacking on processed, sugary foods isn’t kind to the waistline. But what about its effects on your oral health?
DetailsIT ISN’T ALWAYS ABOUT looking like a movie star or supermodel. It’s about feeling confident and comfortable with your healthy smile!
DetailsTHERE’S A CLEAR VALUE difference between getting your glasses online and getting them from…