Orthodontics Is Not a DIY Project
HUMAN INGENUITY IS almost endless, and we can see that in all kinds of do-it-yourself projects. There…
DetailsHUMAN INGENUITY IS almost endless, and we can see that in all kinds of do-it-yourself projects. There…
DetailsWE USE ROOT canal therapy to treat infected or inflamed tooth pulp, but the health of the…
DetailsWhen we think of the traits of an athlete, we usually think of speed and strength first.
DetailsTHE DENTAL CAREER everyone is most familiar with is the private practice dentist, meaning an…
DetailsTHIS YEAR ALONE, the American Cancer Society estimates over 54,000 new cases of oral cancer just…
DetailsStopping to smell the spring flowers can be hard when your nose is stuffy and your eyes are swollen.
DetailsTHE NEXT TIME you need an ice-breaker, why not toss out a few weird mouth facts? We’re…
DetailsWe blink our eyes several times every minute of the day, but why do we need to?
DetailsHARMFUL CHILDHOOD HABITS LIKE thumb sucking past toddlerhood, nail-biting…