Clues To Your Overall Health Can Be Discovered In Your Mouth
DID YOU REALIZE THAT AN ESTIMATED 90% of systemic diseases can have…
DetailsDID YOU REALIZE THAT AN ESTIMATED 90% of systemic diseases can have…
DetailsTHIS IS REALLY interesting. Perhaps, if you struggle with some level of dental anxiety, odds are you’ve picked some of that up from your parents…
DetailsDOES FREQUENT SNACKING PRESENT PROBLEMS FOR OUR TEETH? Well, it depends. Every time we eat…
DetailsIN THIS CRAZY WORLD, it’s nice to know that positive vibes spread more quickly than negative…
DetailsMOST PEOPLE UNDERSTAND HOW ALCOHOL affects their bodies, but we rarely talk about the effects on our oral health…
DetailsWE KNOW SOME OF OUR PATIENTS own dogs—AND we thought a little animal trivia…
DetailsTHERE ARE LOTS OF REASONS people chew gum. For some, perhaps it’s just…
DetailsWHEN IT COMES TO SOCIAL MEDIA we believe it’s the quality of the online relationships and…
DetailsFOR AS LONG AS HUMANS HAVE CHEWED FOOD (that’s a long time) they’ve looked for…
DetailsANCIENT DENTISTRY WAS PROBABLY VERY SCARY, so we felt like it couldn’t be more apropos to talk about it near Halloween!