Help Your Child Floss Correctly
AS A PARENT, you play the major role in making sure your child is flossing daily and correctly…
DetailsAS A PARENT, you play the major role in making sure your child is flossing daily and correctly…
DetailsYOUR SMILE IS among your most influential assets! So smile more. Invite people to…
DetailsWE’VE ALL BEEN THROUGH IT, RIGHT? Can you remember when your baby teeth were falling out?
DetailsIT MIGHT BE EASIER to get your child to eat gummy vitamins, but it may contribute to tooth decay…
DetailsTEETHING STARTS ANYWHERE between 4 months old to a year old. It usually…
DetailsBRUSHING YOUR TEETH is so basic that most people don’t think about it much…
DetailsTHIS HANDY QUESTIONNAIRE CAN help you better communicate with our team…
DetailsIT’S THE SEASON for graduations, reunions, vacations, and weddings!
DetailsBEGINNING IN MARCH, we are participating in Smiles For Life, and we’d like to invite you…
DetailsDID YOU KNOW THAT UP TO 40% of children have tooth decay before they even enter kindergarten?