Is It Possible To Over-Brush While You Have Braces?
DO YOU EXPERIENCE pain sometimes eating ice cream or sipping hot coffee? You’re…
DetailsDO YOU EXPERIENCE pain sometimes eating ice cream or sipping hot coffee? You’re…
DetailsIF YOU’VE JUST BECOME one of our valued orthodontic patients, you may be experiencing a flood of emotions…
DetailsYOU MAY OR MAY NOT have children of your own. Either way, we all have children we care about…
DetailsFOR A LONG TIME people associated the word “braces” with “teen”. But that’s rapidly changing…
DetailsNO NEED TO BE EMBARRASSED! We all experience morning breath from time to time…
DetailsDO YOU SUFFER FROM a sensitive gag reflex? If so, receiving orthodontic treatment…
DetailsNO DOUBT YOU’VE HEARD that certain nutrients are good for…
DetailsIMPROVING YOUR SMILE through orthodontic treatment is serious business… But there’s a fun side too…
DetailsSOME PEOPLE NEGLECT THIS last stage of their orthodontic treatment. Probably because…
DetailsYOU MAY HAVE NEVER considered this surprising benefit of braces…