How Does Animal Eyesight Work?
We wouldn’t have gone into the optometry field if we weren’t fascinated by eyes, and there are some incredible ones in nature.
DetailsWe wouldn’t have gone into the optometry field if we weren’t fascinated by eyes, and there are some incredible ones in nature.
DetailsIT MIGHT BE CLICHÉD to say it, but it’s true that kids grow up fast. They’re constantly outgrowing…
DetailsAS UNFAIR AND ILLOGICAL as it can be, people do tend to judge others on their appearances, and…
DetailsWHEN IT COMES to ensuring that patients are able to keep teeth that otherwise might…
DetailsDigital screens have become an increasingly prominent part of our lives in recent decades.
DetailsTHERE WAS SOMETHING rotten in the state of England during the Early Modern Era: everyone’s…
DetailsA staple of every school nurse’s office is the big E eye chart.
DetailsTHE OLD LINE “it takes fewer muscles to smile than frown” isn’t actually true. It takes at…
DetailsTWO OUT OF EVERY FIVE kids will end up with one or more cavities by their…