What’s Causing Caries in Childhood?
TWO OUT OF every five kids develop one or more cavity by the time they turn eleven. That makes…
DetailsTWO OUT OF every five kids develop one or more cavity by the time they turn eleven. That makes…
DetailsBRACES-OFF DAY will get here much sooner than you think, provided that you’re following the…
DetailsWE LOVE SAVING our patients’ teeth through endodontic therapy, but only the actual procedure…
DetailsNot all vision problems can be corrected with contact lenses or glasses.
DetailsMANY PEOPLE HAVE the idea that gum recession is only a concern for older people (that’s where…
DetailsSleep deprivation hits the body and mind a lot like alcohol, but how does it affect our eyes?
DetailsTIKTOK ISN’T THE best place to go for dental health advice — unless your dentist is active on the app. We’ve…
Details44% of all eye injuries happen at home, but 90% of eye injuries are preventable!
DetailsPARENTS CAN DO a few different things to give their kids’ smiles a healthy…
DetailsORTHODONTICS DATES BACK all the way to at least 400 BC. In Rome, Aulus Cornelius Celsus theorized that teeth could…