April Is Oral Cancer Awareness Month
THIS YEAR ALONE, 400,000 people throughout the world will be diagnosed with oral cancer…
DetailsTHIS YEAR ALONE, 400,000 people throughout the world will be diagnosed with oral cancer…
DetailsCAN YOU IMAGINE HOLDING YOUR SMILE perfectly still for 15 minutes until the camera clicked? That’s how long it took for a photograph to expose…
DetailsDO YOU EXPERIENCE pain sometimes eating ice cream or sipping hot coffee? You’re…
DetailsWHEN IT COMES TO SOFT DRINKS, even if you remove sugar from the equation, the acid is very hard on your teeth…
DetailsMarch 17–23 is Root Canal Awareness Week. We know there are misperceptions out there about root canal therapy…
DetailsARE YOU SLEEPING AS WELL AS YOU’D LIKE? If you said “no”, you’re not alone…
DetailsARE YOU SLEEPING AS WELL AS YOU’D LIKE? If you said “no”, you’re not alone…
DetailsMORE AND MORE PEOPLE are keeping their original teeth well into their old age. It’s fantastic!
DetailsMARCH IS NUTRITION MONTH—an education campaign sponsored by the Academy…
DetailsNEARLY EVERYONE KNOWS SOMEONE WHO is directly or indirectly affected by diabetes. Not only can diabetes be difficult to manage, but…