History Includes Some Odd Teeth Traditions
THERE’S A LOT OF strange stuff buried in the history of dental health and hygiene, but there are a…
DetailsTHERE’S A LOT OF strange stuff buried in the history of dental health and hygiene, but there are a…
DetailsSOME DO-IT-YOURSELF projects leave us in awe of the sheer ingenuity and creativity involved. Others…
DetailsA TOOTH SAVED through root canal therapy has the potential to last a lifetime, and we want to…
DetailsCHILDHOOD IS A TIME of scraped knees and bumps and bruises as kids run around discovering the world. As pediatric…
DetailsYou might be surprised how different vision and eye health can be between men and women.
DetailsThe first traits we tend to associate with athletes are speed and strength, but vision should be a close third.
DetailsROOT CANAL THERAPY has gotten quite a bad name in our culture. You might’ve used…
DetailsARE MAIL-ORDER aligners worth getting instead of professional orthodontic treatment with an orthodontist? We don’t…
DetailsDAILY BRUSHING AND flossing are essential to keep a growing child’s smile healthy, but we already know that. We hopefully…